Inel Premiere
Rubber ring with adjustable, PVC strap. Prevents horses that over reach from injuring their fetlock area. The fetlock ring is easy to attach and adjust using a PVC strap. Inside length of fetlock ring is 29 cm, extendible by 5 cm. Made of 100% natural, safe, non-toxic rubber (PAH free).
Inel de cauciuc cu curea reglabilă din PVC. Împiedică caii să se rănească in zona nodului in timpul antrenamentelor. Inelul este ușor de atașat și ajustat folosind o curea din PVC. Lungimea interioară a inelului este de 29 cm, extensibil cu 5 cm. Fabricat din cauciuc 100% natural, sigur, non-toxic (fără PAH).
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Riders & horses
EQUESTRIAN POLO offers an extensive selection of horse riding gear, riders' equipment and accessories. From saddle pads to dressage boots, from blankets to headcollars, from full riding equipment to streatwear. A fantastic range of products that bring out the best in horse and rider.