Pansament Animalintex
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The veterinary poultice and wound dressing can be used as a hot wet poultice, cold wet poultice, dry dressing and pressure padding. It can be used for contusions, infected wounds, sprains, capped hocks, etc
Pansament veterinar pentru plăgi poate fi folosit ca cataplasmă umeda cald, cataplasmă umedă rece, pansament uscat și umplutură sub presiune. Poate fi folosit pentru contuzii, răni infectate, entorse, jareți acoperiți etc
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Riders & horses
EQUESTRIAN POLO offers an extensive selection of horse riding gear, riders' equipment and accessories. From saddle pads to dressage boots, from blankets to headcollars, from full riding equipment to streatwear. A fantastic range of products that bring out the best in horse and rider.