Suport pentru selarie Retro Stubbs
Stubbs brings back the quality and class of two centuries ago with the new Retro product line. With the stylish metalwork combined with dark, solid wood, the Tack Pegs have a classic look. The 18 centimeter (7”) long pegs are strongly reinforced. The rack breathes an air of luxury and professionality, yet it has a price tag that lies within everyone’s reach.
Combine the Tack Pegs with the other matching articles from the Stubbs Retro range. Creating a luxurious, professional appearance has never been this easy!
Stubbs readuce calitatea și clasa de acum două secole cu noua linie de produse Retro. Cu metalul elegant combinat cu lemnul întunecat și masiv, șuruburile Tack Pegs au un aspect clasic. Cuiele lungi de 18 centimetri (7”) sunt puternic întărite. Raftul aduce un aer de lux și profesionalitate, dar are un preț care este la îndemâna oricui.
Combinați șuruburile cu alte articole din gama Stubbs Retro. Crearea unui aspect luxos, profesional nu a fost niciodată atât de ușoară!
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Riders & horses
EQUESTRIAN POLO offers an extensive selection of horse riding gear, riders' equipment and accessories. From saddle pads to dressage boots, from blankets to headcollars, from full riding equipment to streatwear. A fantastic range of products that bring out the best in horse and rider.